The Corner Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Apostolic

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It is Written...

putting you in rememberance...



We believe in water baptism (total immersion) not as a means of salvation but as an outward demonstration to a conversion experience and acceptation of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We practice immersion because it corresponds to the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord (Colossians 1:12). It symbolizes regeneration and purification more than any other mode. We do baptize in the name of Jesus because “there is no other name given under Heaven whereby we must be saved.”




The Lord’s Supper (this special service is only for believers) symbolizes the Lord’s death and suffering for the benefit and in place of His people. It also symbolizes our participation in the crucified Christ. We in observance of Communion enter into a special spiritual union of our soul and the glorified Christ. Foot washing usually follows this sacred service (1 Corinthian 11:23-30).




Foot washing is practiced in our church because Christ, by His example humbled Himself and washed the Disciples feet. We as His disciples show humility and love by following His Divine example (John 13: 3-10; 13-17).




Prayer is talking to God with a sincere and open heart with the expectation of results. God can and will answer prayers even from sinners (I Thes.5:17, Phil.:4-6, James 5:15-16). The model prayer (Luke 11:1-4).



Fasting shows denial of self, proving sincerity and a willingness to draw closer to God. Fasting together with prayer is a mighty weapon to combat the enemy (Mark 9:29). Fasting increases our faith and drives out unbelief. In fasting one gains strength in the spirit and weakens the flesh.




We believe in reading and studying our bible everyday, specifically the King James Version; emphasis on the Apostle’s Doctrine. Study to show thyself approved (2 Tim. 2:15). This is how you have and build a personnel relationship with Christ, through His Word. We believe in reading and teaching our children about the bible. Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6).




Tithing is an act of stewardship. The scripture says that the tithe, the first tenth (10%) of our income, is the property of the Lord and we are to always return it to Him. Tithing expresses our belief that everything on earth came from God, and that He is responsible for all we earn and receive as increase (Psa. 24:1). Tithing is a statement of our faith and worship towards God. It is a test of our continued obedience to God’s Word. God promises the faithful tither, that He would reward him/her according to how he/she has given unto Him (Mal. 3:10 & II Cor. 9:6). The tithe is a sacred offering to God so that there will be spiritual meat in His house (Mal. 3:10).

Copyright 2006

Corner Church of the Lord Jesus Christ * PO Box 1197* Albemarle, NC * 28002